Sunday, June 7, 2009

Life on a Diet

My life has become significantly less interesting in the last several weeks, due largely to the fact that I have decided to go on a diet. And let me tell you, this is a miserable time for me. Two blog entries ago I dedicated multiple paragraphs to the subject of food. All of the foods I mentioned in those paragraphs are now on my black list of untouchables. I have been reduced to eating nothing more than breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I haven't had chocolate or sweets or dessert for weeks. I have resorted to eating bananas when I want something sweet. I have lost count of how many bananas I've eaten, that's how desperate I am. My favorite chocolate with a squirrel on the wrapper is history, flan is a no-no, blueberry muffins from Castano are out of the question. All of the pleasure I got out of life has been taken away from me... by me. People say that the longer I go without chocolate and sweets, the more I will forget about them. Not so. The longer I go without them, the more time I spend fantasizing about them.

My life could be worse, I know. But damn, I didn't realize how much delicious junk I put into my body until I took it all away from myself. I guess I will have to channel the extra energy I spend fantasizing about food toward something more productive, like watching movies. This whole movie project has turned into something of an obsession (that's usually how I roll when I get interested in something), and I have watched over 40 movies in the past two months. I'm a movie-watching machine. Too bad movies don't taste good.


  1. I didn't realize your favorite chocolate had a squirrel on the wrapper. That part made me saddest of all. Does this mean I should not have chocolate at home when you come home? Right now I have miniature hershey bars, and cherry mashes. Oh I am sorry I didn't mean to make you hungry. Love you. Poor Buffy. Mama

  2. I've been on a diet for three years, and I've curiously gained five pounds. ;)
    Nevertheless, a good way to lose weight without having to necessarily cut back on goodies is to work out. I try to run or bike for 40 minutes to an hour 5 days a week... That's a good 400-700 calorie buffer to use when binging is around the bend.
    Just a helpful tip from your friendly neighborhood Jordan Chapman. PS I read your blog
