Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quitting Cold Turkey

I've decided to go on a non-soda diet. It's a lot like taking a pacifier away from a baby, or removing a narc-addict's heroin supply. Imagining a meal without Coke or Fanta is difficult for me, and I don't know how I am going to deal with not having my morning Fanta before class.

The diet was brought on by a concern for my weight, which is typical of any female, but heightened by my sustained exposure to strict South American weight standards. Contrary to what one might assume, weight standards in South America are more rigid than weight standards in the US, which after a little thought doesn't come as so much of a surprise, since Americans are so grossly overweight. Lacking the plethora of fast food chains and processed food so widely available to us in the US, South Americans don't gain weight quite as easily as we do, and they're generally skinnier. They also seem more critical of overweight people, which of course makes me paranoid about my own weight.

But whether I am overweight or not, I think the non-soda choice was a wise one. At least it will make me healthier in the long run and wean me off of an unhealthy addiction. As I am only on day two of this diet, I can't make any sweeping statements about it yet, because I could easily grab a Coke from the fridge tomorrow and wreck the whole thing. But I'm going to stick it out as long as possible, meanwhile making up for my sudden drop in caffeine/sugar intake by gorging on chocolate and Laffy Taffy. Wholesome trade-off.

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